Winter Skin Wellness


Winter is a time to protect wellness and take comfort for yourself and your skin. But all the cosy things like heaters and fires can have a less than helpful effect on the skin, and with the weather so erratic, what steps can we take to increase our overall winter wellness?

This winter has seen the usual high numbers of people with colds and flu and that terrible cough going around. The first line of defence for the body is clothing. In fact Chinese medicine backs up what mum would say on this one, it maintains that it’s vital to protect from cold and in particular wind, as it can carry viruses. Wear hat, scarf and gloves and ensure your coat is warm. Wearing thermal underwear is also essential especially if you must spend time at the bus stop!
Few realise how drying central heating and cold weather is to the skin and keeping your skin healthy during winter may require a complete change of skincare. You’ll notice just how dry your skin is by checking out your legs, like most of us the exfoliation regime tends to slow down and skin gets even dryer. Start with a richer cleanser, try adding nourishing oils to your regime, they can boost skin protection and hydration. Of course you can’t beat a good winter balm. It’s equally essential to wear SPF even though there’s no sun, and if you choose the right SPF it can enhance environmental protection and prevent wind burn.
Eat warming foods. Try to include warming spices in your diet such as adding ginger to your dishes, it can help improve circulation. One pot wonders like stews and casseroles are brilliant for core heat, energy, convenience and nourishment. Bone based stews are especially helpful to immunity, and if you make a simple chicken stew with any vegetables you have available and include the bones you’ll end up with a collagen boosting meal to help both joints and skin!
We have a tendency to think that we should keep going as if it were any other time of year, but our bodies are hard wired to respond to fewer hours of daylight by slowing down. Try to give in and slow things a little, accept that this time of year you need to do less to conserve energy. Plan relaxing evenings like taking an oily bath, treat your skin to a soothing face mask, keep hydrated and warm by sipping calming herbal tea or you could really treat yourself to a warming facial. But whatever you do, enjoy the calm of winter before hectic spring kicks off!