The Eight Greens Collection targets imbalanced dull skin with any type of breakout while treating the visible signs of dullness and ageing with super-charged greens. Eight Greens products are an antioxidant-rich collection formulated with plant hormones (phytoestrogens) to target hormonal imbalances, breakouts hormonal ageing. The power of super-charged greens clarifies and clears the skin by normalising oil gland production and helps to prevent breakouts. Natural phytoestrogens repair and revitalise ageing skin, visibly increasing its hydration and elasticity for a firmer, more youthful complexion every day of the year.
The potent ingredients include:
Yucca – supplies phytoestrogens to balance sebum production in the skin, promotes regeneration of the skin and works as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Horsetail – not only helps with inflammation, but it helps to repair and restructure soft tissue. Hops – Hops have skin-softening properties and promote hormonal balance through the promotion of estrogen production.
Red Clover – Red clover is applied to the skin for chronic skin diseases including eczema and psoriasis as it helps improve vascularity of the skin.
Paprika – The antibacterial properties make it effective for the treatment of skin problems and assists in increasing stimulation and oxygenation of the skin.
Flaxseed/Linseed Extract – Flaxseed helps skin improve and maintain a healthy moisture level, which can minimize the appearance of wrinkles.

Stone Crop – four times more hydrating than Aloe. It’s anti-inflammatory, regenerative, reduces inflammation, lightens and moisturizes.
Lavender – Lavender is a rejuvenator, anti-irritant; promotes restoration of the skin and calms irritated skin. Vitex Agnus-Castus – used to treat hormone related acne for both male and female individuals as well as hormonal related periodical or chronic skin disorders.
Eight Greens Phyto Masque Hot
Eight Greens Phyto Masque
Eight Green Youth Serum
Eight Greens Moisturiser
Eight Greens Starter Kit