We believe that sleep is the key to skin recovery and overall body renewal. It certainly seems to be an elusive elixir. So, why is it that we can’t get enough of this most precious renewal time? We think we may have some of the answers. But firstly why do we need it? It’s got to do with the renewal of the processes of the body and the brain, which takes place while we sleep, a little bit like a computer reboot which rebalances programs. This explains why strange things happen to our psyche and our body when we don’t sleep!
Some experts suggest that we are all different and therefore require varying amounts of sleep accordingly. Yes, we are all different, but like it or not we are also hard wired in to natural body rhythms - called circadian rhythms. These rhythms are fundamentally tied into hormone production, which is governed by light and darkness. We produce ‘wake up’ hormones as daylight begins and we produce ‘wind-down’ hormones as darkness appears. In a perfect world, we would sleep during darkness and rise with the light…we all know it’s not as easy as that.
Your skin regenerates while you sleep. The beauty world knows this well as many night creams are designed to boost the regenerating processes of the skin. Eminence’s age corrective lavender night collection is an excellent option. But you really need to get your sleep pattern right to look your very best. Not always easy at this time of year when we all need emergency skin firming.
The advent of electricity and artificial light signalled the change for living outside our natural bodily cycles. So to tune back in to a more natural approach to good sleep we can start by going to bed at the same time every night. Initially, it might be a bit of a struggle to adapt, but with time and consistency the body gets used to it and begins to respond by sleeping more deeply.
Sleep hygiene basics are essential; no technology including and especially phones for at least an hour before sleep time. Make sure the room is in complete darkness - as any light signals to the brain to be on alert. Stimulants affect people differently but most bodies remain stimulated by caffeine for up to 12 hours after consumption. Equally, while 100mls of red wine can relax the body, greater quantities have the opposite effect of stimulating the body.

Certain foods high in tryptophan can help: bananas, turkey and brazil nuts. A warm drink of herbal tea can signal the body to relax; it’s bed time! Making sure your magnesium levels are optimum is also a great way to prime the body for its zzzz’s. Having a warm bath with Epsom salts a few nights per week can help relax tight muscles too.
Applying a soothing rich facial night treatment and body lotion containing lavender at night can equally help overnight skin renewal and signal to the brain that it’s time to relax and sleep.