SUNDAY independent
Triona Mac Carthy says no matter what you have inflicted on your body -we have the solution !
“No matter what you have inflicted on your body in the last month, there is a solution to be found at Anne McDevitt Laser, Skin, Beauty & Health Clinic. So refresh and reboot, and strip away the tired, weary woman you refuse to be any more, and turn yourself into a Victoria's Secret model like Kendall Jenner, above.
Beauty services include laser hair removal, red vein removal , brows, manis and pedis.
But for some really sophisticated skincare, book in for an Eminence facial. This powerful, potent facial delivers phenomenal results.
For home help, try the Corrective Starter Kit, €95, and I'll bet you'll get hooked on the stuff like me!”
Triona McCarthy SUNDAY independent January 2017